Your deeds are your monuments | Precepts

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A few days ago a wrote about R.J Palacio's book 'Wonder'. (here
In this book there is a brilliant English teacher called Mr Browne. Each month he gives his students a 'precept' and asks them to write about what it means to them. 

"A precept is anything that helps guide us when making decisions about really important things." 
- Mr Browne, Wonder

In honor of Mr Brown my first precept is one of his own. 'Your deeds are your monuments.' This apparently came from an Egyptian tomb. I love what Auggie has to say about this quote...

"The things we do are the most important things of all. They are more important than what we say or what we look like. The things we do outlast or mortality... That is why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of stone." - August Pullman, Wonder

I don't know about you but I have never heard a eulogy that said 'her hair was perfect all the time' or 'he had rock hard abs.' Usually people talk about how kind, funny, strong or intelligent someone was, how much they did for them, how happy they made them, or how much they achieved in their life. Almost always people will feel like something is missing, not because of their perfect make up or beautiful clothes, but because of the impact they had in their own life.

What I love the most about Mr Browne's idea is the way he inspires the students. All of his students send a post card in the summer with their own precept and some are still sending them years later. At the beginning of each month I will be choosing a precept and writing about what it means to me. I would love to hear what you what you think about my precepts or if you have any of your own!

Have a wonderful day xo
Love, Jessica


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