4 months ago I applied to live on campus at my University. I spent hours writing my application, I sent it in the day applications opened and waited nervously. Near the end of January I received a letter saying that my application had been unsuccessful. I was devastated. It was 4 weeks before I moved and I had absolutely no idea where I was going to live! But everything happens for a reason right? I have learnt a lot about dealing with disappointments this year. Here is my 4 steps to dealing with disappointments...
1. Allow yourself to feel disappointed
Starting something new is always super exciting and sometimes a little scary. When something doesn't go to plan it can be devastating and make everything a whole lot more scary. The first thing people say when you tell them disappointing news is usually some variation of 'oh well you'll be okay! Cheer up!' They aren't wrong. Whatever happens you will be ok! But it's okay not to feel okay straight away. Sometimes you need a little bit of time to process your feelings and readjust. It is important not to get stuck in this phase. Give your self a day to feel disappointment and then its time to pick yourself back up and move on (even if it's really hard!)
2. Turn your set back into a come back
Don't give up! Try and gain some perspective. Maybe it won't be exactly like you planned but does that mean your dream is really over? The day after I got this letter I was ready to quit Uni before it even started. It all became way too scary! I loved working as an Integration Aide this year and I was comfortable there. But then I thought about how scared I was when I first began working as an Aide and when I flew overseas to volunteer. Both of these opportunities changed my life and I know University too. Studying psychology is something I have dreamed of for a long time and nothing will stop me chasing that dream.
3. Get inspired
When you are disappointed it is easy to forget why you wanted it in the first place. Time to remind yourself! My friends are all back for the summer and talking to them about their experiences at Uni has me excited. I have family near by, including a 2 year old cousin who is growing up way too fast! Living in Melbourne I'll get to see my friends and family a lot more. There are lots of other opportunities that I wouldn't get living in a small town like dance classes, community choirs and cool new places to visit. Doing a Bachelor of Psychology opens up so many opportunities for me to help people and I can't really imagine myself doing anything else.
2. Turn your set back into a come back
Don't give up! Try and gain some perspective. Maybe it won't be exactly like you planned but does that mean your dream is really over? The day after I got this letter I was ready to quit Uni before it even started. It all became way too scary! I loved working as an Integration Aide this year and I was comfortable there. But then I thought about how scared I was when I first began working as an Aide and when I flew overseas to volunteer. Both of these opportunities changed my life and I know University too. Studying psychology is something I have dreamed of for a long time and nothing will stop me chasing that dream.
3. Get inspired
When you are disappointed it is easy to forget why you wanted it in the first place. Time to remind yourself! My friends are all back for the summer and talking to them about their experiences at Uni has me excited. I have family near by, including a 2 year old cousin who is growing up way too fast! Living in Melbourne I'll get to see my friends and family a lot more. There are lots of other opportunities that I wouldn't get living in a small town like dance classes, community choirs and cool new places to visit. Doing a Bachelor of Psychology opens up so many opportunities for me to help people and I can't really imagine myself doing anything else.