My New Year's Resolutions

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1. Do things now because life will NOT wait.
2. Fill your life with people who inspire you rather than drain you.
3. Spend as much time out of your comfort zone as possible.
4. Don't miss out on opportunity just because you are scared.
5. Put everything you have into everything you do.
6. Spend more quality time with people you love.
7. Be grateful for everything you have because what you have got someone else is praying for.
8. Spend less time on your phone and more time in the moment. 
9. Do something you love everyday.
Happy New Year! xo
Love, Jessica

Gingerbread House

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So I set out with this lovely idea of making a beautiful gingerbread house for our family Christmas and taking nice photos for my blog... That didn't happen. 

50 things about me

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1. I live in Melbourne, Australia.
2. I'm 19 years old.


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Imagine how your life would change if you embraced everything that you are...
If you stopped worrying about being too big or too little, to round or too flat, to short or too tall, too loud or too quiet. What could you create in the time you waste worrying about that pimple on your nose? What could you do in the time you spend in front of the mirror analyzing your every flaw? What would happen if you thought more about the people who loved you and less about the people you need to impress?

Memory Jar


Earlier this year I spent 4 months Volunteering in Eastern Asia. One of the things that amazed me the most about the kids I worked with is how happy they were.
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